Stakeholders-driven pathways for blockchain implementation in the agri-food sector – TRUSTYFOOD
The goal of the proposal is to understand why communities, i.e. users, accept/reject blockchain-based projects, the mistakes done by others for not repeating them, the best and innovative practices in blockchain development in agri-food sector (considering its complexity) for arriving to shape different possible futures for BC application.
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Project description
Project name: Stakeholders-driven pathways for blockchain implementation in the agri-food sector – TRUSTYFOOD
Project summary: Projecst partners join forces for supporting the Strategic Research Agenda of the future joint research program on the subject of Blockchain by sheding light on the current partial and fragmented picture of BCT applications in the agri-food domain and by clarifying the benefits and opportunities which BCT can concretely to stakeholders throughout the food chain offer. The project intends to prepare the way for R&I activities for the decade to come, basing its assumptions on systematic monitoring and reviews of national, European and international R&I pilots/use cases, experiences and best practices and on consolidated and balanced stakeholder views. The active involvement of users is required from the very beginning for the identification of needs and use cases, which will be subsequently translated into operational requirements for services. The project will investigate and discuss both technical aspects as well as non-technical barriers to BCTs deployment, but also other issues fostering BCTs deployment, such as interoperability, innovative business models, standardisation and regulatory issues and will be at the base of White Papers addressed to EC. At the same time, the proposal intends to provide to users some a framework of services (and guidelines) for empowering them in future BC technology implementation.