Project name: Rising competences & skills in less developed Danube regions through food sector cross-topic innovations – RISE

Project summary: Main problem is related to innovation capacity in remote areas. In partner regions those areas are facing declining employment opportunities in traditional industries as a result of structural change. This emphasises the need to take steps to stimulate economic activity with employment-generating potential for regions that are facing difficulties in maintaining a critical mass of facilities to support economic development. Analysis shows that FOOD SECTOR together with other value chain-related sectors represent one of the most important, potential field to leverage
improvement of the socio-economic situation in remote areas.

Outputs & results: 1) Joint transnational food mentor scheme; 2) Cross-sector assessment tools (digital, energy and circular readiness) and joint knowledge base mentor e-platform with all relevant data access, to support mentorship services on a transnational level.


The project is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and European Territorial Cooperation.