Project name: Blue Economy Sectors Digital Transformation towards Industry 4.0 – BEST 4.0.

Project summary: Many established sectors and emerging sectors of the Blue Economy are nowadays in need of innovation, technology transfer, and digitalization of product and process, in the two shores of the Adriatic Sea. This is the consequence of shortcomings in connections between the private sectors and R&I centres in the Programme area, favoring the application of the I4.0 key principles, to innovate both productions and processes. The improvement of this connection, through the role of Digital Innovation Hubs (DiHs), would make it possible to reduce the distance between different territories classified as high performers, in terms of process and product innovation, and those with moderate performance. To tackle this common challenge, the project BEST4.0 aims to support the introduction of the I4.0 principles in the Blue Economy sectors, through the DiHs and innovative, smart and digital business solutions.


The project is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and European Territorial Cooperation.